Blossom Furtado - 7/13/2018 7:20:13 AM |
Hi Everyone
Please read this carefully and Support us to Create AWARENESS by Sharing and Circulating this to enable ALL Individuals to take ACTION on time.....
Some Persistent SYMPTOMS that Indicate ALL IS NOT WELL at the Emotional and Mental Levels of an Individual
BEHAVIOUR Abusive - Agitation - Excessive Crying - Irritability - Blaming - Frustration - Not Trusting - Doubting - Indecisiveness - Don't care attitude.....
MOODS Anxiety - Sadness - Hopelessness - Loss of Interest - Mood swings .....
SLEEP Insomnia - Restless Sleep - Excessive Sleepiness - Early Awakening - Dozing.....
COGNITIVE Lack of concentration - Slowing down of activity - Not mixing and talking with others - Isolation - Thoughts of Helplessness.....
PHYSICAL Excessive hunger - Loss of appetite - Fatigue - Excessive weight gain - or weight loss - Excessive use of Alcohol or other substances..... ACTION REQUIRED
*See a Health/Medical Professional
*Talk and share - venting will release SUPPRESSED EMOTIONS and then IRRATIONAL THOUGHTS can go away
*Seek simultaneously Immediate Psychological Intervention with an Experienced and Skilled THERAPIST who works at the Subconscious Level
*Plan for atleast 4 Deep Sessions at regular intervals to RELEASE and LET GO of OLD issues
*Develop a Strong - Stable and Balanced Perspective to Life and Build Resilience to Bounce back No Matter What
So look around in your Environment - Suggest Intervention - Ask for Support - Get into ACTION to start WORK at the MIND Level to face all Challenges in Life - Your BODY is a Shadow of your MIND - so Understand and take ACTION now
The Hypnotherapy School of India offers Cognitive and Deep Psychological Interventions to facilitate you to find RESOLUTION and Move Forward
What's App or Message for a Consultation on 9811047587
Love Light and Action Blossom Furtado www.hypnotherapyschoolindia.com
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